How to Add PayPal Credit/Pay Later
messaging on a Product Page for Magento 2
To display the PayPal
Later messaging on any product page,
it is
needed to add the following manually HTML
code into your product layout.
Please follow these instructions
to add the messaging on a Magento 2
- Locate your product page's files usually on the folder: app/design/frontend/PACKAGE_NAME/THEME_NAME/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/price/final_price.phtml
- Copy and paste the following HTML code at the end of the file:
<div data-pp-message data-pp-placement="product" data-pp-amount="500.00" data-pp-style-layout="text" data-pp-style-logo-type="alternative" data-pp-style-logo-position="top" data-pp-style-text-color="black"></div>
- Pass the product's price in the amount parameter data-pp-amountYour messages can display monthly payment information to your customers by passing in an amount to the message. Including data-pp-amount only displays the monthly payment information if you configure your account for Easy Payments and the amount that's passed in qualifies for the minimum purchase settings for Easy Payments.
- Update the data-pp-amount value when neededIf your website offers installment-based products such as Easy Payments, update the data-pp-amount attribute for each product price. Your website uses this attribute to calculate the financing terms of a specific amount. If you omit this attribute, the the message won't display the monthly payment. If you don't offer any installment-based financing products, your website ignores the attribute.If your website updates the price on the client-side using either JavaScript or other client-side methods, you can refresh your PayPal message by updating the value of data-pp-amount. The JavaScript SDK monitors for any changes to the value of data-pp-amount and renders any updated messages with the new payment information.
- Configure the look&feel of the messages using the different variables used on the HTML code:
Field | Values | Description | Preview |
data-pp-style-logo-type | primary | Default. Stacked
Credit logo. | |
alternative | Single line PayPal Credit
logo. | ||
inline | Single line PayPal Credit
without monogram. | ||
none | No logo. Text only. | ||
data-pp-style-logo-position Note: This option is only available with data-pp-style-logo-type values: primary , alternative | left | Default. Logo left
of the
text. | |
right | Logo right of the
text. | ||
top | The logo above the text. | ||
data-pp-style-text-color | black | Default. Black text with a
colored logo. | |
white | White text with a white
logo. | ||
monochrome | Black text with a black
logo. | ||
grayscale | Black text with a
grayscale logo. | ||
data-pp-style-text-size | 10 , 11 | Smaller text sizes. | |
12 | Default. Standard
text size. | ||
13 ,14 ,15 ,16 | Larger text sizes. | ||
data-pp-style-text-align | left | Default. Text is
left aligned. | |
center | Text is center
aligned. | ||
right | Text is right
aligned. |