To specify a date/time format, you must enter the codes that represent each part of the date and time.




The last digit of the year. For example, 2005 would be represented as 5.


The last two digits of the year number. For example, in this format, 2005 would be represented as 05.


The year number in four digits. For example, in this format, 2005 would be represented as 2005.


Month as a number from 1 to 12. If the month number is a single-digit number, it's displayed without a leading zero.


Month in two digits. If the month number is a single-digit number, it's displayed with a leading zero.


The name of the month in three letters. For example, August would be represented as Aug.


The name of the month spelled in full. This format is supported only for output time. Note: This format is only supported for the output format.


Day as a number from 1 to 31. If the day number is a single-digit number, it's displayed without a leading zero.


Day in two digits. If the day number is a single-digit number, it's displayed with a leading zero.


The abbreviated name of the day of the week in three letters. For example, Saturday is abbreviated as “Sat”.


The full name of the day of the week. For example, Saturday is displayed in full. Note: This format is only supported for the output format.


Hour as a number from 1 to 12 when using the 12-hour clock. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it's displayed without a leading zero.


Hour in two digits using the 12-hour clock. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it's displayed with a leading zero.


Hour as a number from 0 to 23 when using the 24-hour clock. For example, in this format, 1 pm would be represented as 13. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it's displayed without a leading zero.


Hour in two digits using the 24-hour clock. For example, in this format, 1 pm would be represented as 13. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it's displayed with a leading zero


Minutes as a number from 0 to 59. If the minute number is a single-digit number, it's displayed without a leading zero.


Minutes in two digits. If the minute number is a single-digit number, it's displayed with a leading zero.


Seconds as a number from 0 to 59. If the second number is a single-digit number, it's displayed without a leading zero.


Seconds in two digits. If the second number is a single-digit number, it's displayed with a leading zero.


A.M. or P.M. as two letters: A.M. or P.M. as defined on your system.

Here are some examples of dates and times and their corresponding formats:



MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt

08/05/2006 03:05:15 PM

M/d/yy h :m:s tt

8/5/06 3:5:15 PM

ddd MMM dd yyyy

Sat Aug 05 2006

dddd, MMMM dd yyyy

Saturday, August 05 2006